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Welcome to the Student Services Department

Breanna Griswold

Breanna Griswold
School Counselor (A-I)

PH: (315) 695-1645

FAX: (315) 954-1169


Megan Ransiear

Megan Ransiear
School Counselor (J-Z)


PH: (315) 695-1645

FAX: (315) 954-1169


JCB Student Services Office Staff

Michelle Scruton
PH: (315) 695-1645
FAX: (315) 954-1169


At JCB High School, education is not a solitary pursuit—it’s a collaborative venture. Students, parents/guardians, counselors, teachers, and administrators work hand in hand to create a meaningful learning experience. By fostering this collective effort, we empower our students with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in life and prepare them for college and career success.


Nurturing Social-Emotional Well-Being

We recognize that education extends beyond academics. Our commitment to student well-being includes addressing social and emotional needs. Through counseling services, peer support, and mindfulness programs, we prioritize mental health and emotional resilience. At JCB High School, we believe a healthy mind is essential for success.



Alanna McKinney   Anne-Marie Muller
Alanna McKinney   Anne-Marie Muller
School Psychologist   Social Worker
    Homeless Liaison

Contact Us

552 Main Street
Phoenix, New York 13135
Guidance: 315.695.1645